The Corner®

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I was thinking real quick on why people have such a difficult time with accountability. Specifically, people within my community/social sphere. I believe it stems from most people starting off in circumstances beyond their control. First, actually being born is a whole outside event in itself. You didn’t ask to be here, you had no idea you was coming (God Did lol) but you just showed up and until adolescence (young adulthood) your life is in someone else’s hands.

During this time. a period we’ll refer to as “Deferred Responsibility”; you’re being guided by someone’s morals, life experience, and financial stability, all which effects your overall childhood and has a huge impact on who you are to become.

Back in church we were taught about the age of accountability, while a verse may not explicitly states how old you are when you are considered “accountable”, we were generally taught at 12 years old you have reached the age of accountability. Which means you should know right from wrong and you have enough foundation to make solid decisions and if you make an unwise decision you should be able to own up to your decisions and face the music.

If we know there’s a certain threshold where accountability is “activated”, then why do many adults have difficulty being accountable? Its because trauma + a no responsibility period + a dramatic responsibility increase = adults who have difficulty being accountable. Its hard to own up to things when everything was so out of your control and now life is forcing you to be in control.

Some people are faced with raising children, building careers, overcoming heartache, health conditions, its always something to face. However, it gets to a certain point in life where you have to ask “When am I going to take responsibility for my life”, “when will I admit whatever is going on at this point is my fault”.

Me for example, I have so much I can hold onto and be a loser about. Nobody ever got me driver’s training, I grew up financially unstable, I never been to disneyworld as a kid lol. I got plenty stuff I can hold onto, be sad about, and allow it to stagnate me in life.

But screw that one day I sat down and said “Bro whatever I have in my life its my fault, and if I don’t have it now I’m going to work to get it!”. From that moment I went on a winning streak lmao. Still took L’s but man I refused to live handcuffed by childhood trauma because if you never get over it, it snowballs into adulthood and you’re chained to the past.Take control now if you haven’t and make that determination today, “Life is in my hands and I’m going to achieve with everything I desire!”! How can you move forward if you’re always looking behind? Think about it beloved..


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