jaevonn harris



February 28, 2024

Back with another article involving a lesson from my car accident the other day. Quick recap, got into a little fender bender on the block of my crib and boy was I angry. I was enraged because I thought how much this could’ve been avoided and how inconvenient the timing was (but when is it ever a good time for an accident? lol).

When I collided with the other vehicle, foolishly before I could even Thank God for letting me be alright, I went into cursing up a storm. If you know I’m not super curse man like that, I try to watch my language beloved. Its easier for me to curse when I rap because I feel like curse words enhance the emotion behind the lyrics lol. Even that sound crazy forgive me Christ I might be tripping lmao.

Anyways, I’m bashing the steering wheel, hit the mirror just going bezerk, but an older black woman was the driver of the other vehicle. She got out and consoled me. Got to preaching to me like she was in the pulpit lol, reminding how blessed we are no scars, no injuries, she had nothing negative to say. The worst thing she said was she was running late for work. So we exchanged info and kept it pushing but boy I was defeated but things turned around..


Thank God for insurance boy. This situation could’ve been a thousand times worst without insurance. The only thing wrong was the front bumper on the left side had some unwanted hangtime. You know that’s an easy rack, and that’s a rack I didn’t want to pay for. I’m trying to take trips, reinvest in my business, help people, every rack count beloved and I don’t have time to be spending it on repairing vehicles. But once again God looked out and that headache was resolved.


the bounce back is like progress from exercising, no pain no gain!

Ya boy got into a crispy rental boy. It’s a car I been wanting to drive for a minute too. Often fantasizing myself in it, going for cruises, being suited up, you know regular car fantasies. Now I never thought I would be in this vehicle through this circumstance but here we are. Using something I thought was so “horrible” being turned into an opportunity for me to shine yet again. God is Good.

This is probably the most important thing out this situation. A blessing being spoken over my life. If you don’t know about the power of words, you gon know about it today. Its something my mother always stressed to us, “life and death is in the power of the tongue.” See, Proverbs 18:21 Amplified Bible (AMP) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.


Words are so powerful it even had brother plotting against his own brother to receive a blessing.
Jacob and Esau are twin brothers in the biblical narrative found in the Book of Genesis. Their story revolves around the struggle for their father Isaac's blessing. Esau, the older twin, was a skilled hunter and Isaac's favorite, while Jacob was a more cunning and domesticated individual.

The pivotal moment came when Isaac, nearing old age and with failing eyesight, decided to bless Esau, intending to pass on the family's leadership and prosperity to him. However, their mother, Rebekah, favored Jacob and orchestrated a plan for him to receive the blessing instead. She dressed Jacob in Esau's clothes and covered his hands and neck with animal skins to mimic Esau's hairy appearance.

When Jacob approached his father, Isaac was initially suspicious due to the voice difference between Jacob and Esau. However, Jacob convinced Isaac that he was Esau, and Isaac bestowed the blessing upon him. When Esau later discovered this deception, he was furious and sought to kill Jacob. As a result, Jacob fled to his uncle Laban's house.

So you see a blessing of the word means a lot! Today I received word from the woman that she would pray for me (genuinely) and ask that God blesses me with a prosperous and blessed life. I promised to return the same sentiment. When those words are received by God, I know they will touch me spiritually is enlighten my life, allowing me to continue to flourish in God’s magnificent blanket of favor.

Remember this when a trash situation arise. Everything works together for our good. Satan is going to get joy seeing you suffer and will not hesitate to take advantage of your misfortune. But Christ is so good he’s going to take everything that was meant for your downfall and turn it into your uprise. Stand tall loved one, peace!

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn

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February 27, 2024

If you know me you know I love anime and an anime that has me in a headlock right now is Jujutsu Kaisen, by Gege Akutami. Jujutsu Kaisen, follows high school student Yuji Itadori as he joins a secret organization of Jujutsu Sorcerers in order to kill a powerful Curse named Ryomen Sukuna, of whom Yuji becomes the host.

Now within the story is one of the series’ main protagonist, Satoru Gojo, who is esteemed as the most powerful character in the universe. His mere presence alone literally affects the balance of the Earth. However no matter how godly or overpowered he seems he’s really a chill dude, who is extremely fond of his students and focused on eroding the corruption in Jujutsu Society.

Now, Gojo, has this technicque called “INFINITY”, which Infinity does not stop any attacks but rather slows them down. The closer the attack gets to him, the slower it becomes, and it never reaches him. This technique brings me to the whole point of this article. I have to always be on guard.

The other day I was in a car accident. Yes I’m fine, thank God but it was due to me having a slip in my emotional state. I was on a phone call and I got flustered. Which I cannot drive when I’m flustered, I’m not an angry person but when people make me perturbed or annoyed, my rage shoots up quick! However I didn’t think this phone call would be that.

Before I leave the house and the night before, I pray for the Lord to make a divine path just for me free from harm and danger. I may have did that before but I know I didn’t command my day that morning. I was just going about my day and let something enter my space when it shouldn’t have, I should’ve remained on!

Gojo learned that same lesson too! He realized the danger of not being on guard and made his technique to be in constant “on” state. That is what prayer is in my life, a constant “on” state. Which is why the bible says “pray without ceasing”. The moment you think stuff sweet, the bs creeps up on you. However, despite me lowering my guard for that morning, my previous prayers still covered me because I went about my day as if nothing happened. No injuries nothing but the car accident wasn’t even that deep, I didn’t even get off the block of my house lol smh.

So yes like my boy Gojo, I have to remind myself to keep my guard up and that is accomplished by constant prayer which is the fuel for life. S/O Christ. If you like anime check the anime out, kinda creepy but you’ll get over it lol! Its too cool!!

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn

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February 5, 2024

I saw a meme today that posed the question, what would you say to your 18 year old self using only three words. I always love these type of hypotheticals.

I believe I made mostly great life choices thus far but like everyone you think about how you could’ve did somethings differently. I love how things panned out but if I really had the choice to affect something I would put me on my current path sooner.

So what’s the three words I would say to myself? I would say “Become a Lawyer”. If you know anything about my back story, you know I didn’t give a clown’s nose about becoming a lawyer. It was more logical for someone like my brother or my mother to become one. My brother because, my Grandma would always tell him, “Jay you like to argue so much you need to become a lawyer” (wait until she find we spend 90% of our time avoiding arguing lol).

I would say my mother because she worked years as a paralegal so if she ever decided to go that route it would make sense. But me? No it made zero sense. Nothing about my life said I would be a lawyer, I was a nerdy kid that loved the creative arts (and obviously still do). My grades wasn’t top of the top.

Honestly I was the average student. My art skills weren’t praised, my grades weren’t praised, the only thing that stood out for me was my personal style and my sense of humor. I was “average” on paper but never did I look at myself as “average” I knew I was extraordinary from the beginning lol.

I would choose those three words because my 18 year old self would’ve been smart enough to know that don’t mean stop the arts but it would’ve gave me a north star much sooner. I made the decision to go to law school in 2015, when I was in a corner financially and was lost career wise. 2015, I was one year removed from undergrad, with no job in my field in sight. I was thinking I cannot be a struggling artist I have to make something happen and then reinvest my earnings into my arts.

So I thought I know I’ll become a lawyer, it then took me two years just to get into law school! Graduating in 2020, it took me until 2023 to become licensed! So that’s 8 years spent to gain the illustrious title of “attorney”.

If I was able to tell my 18 year old self “become a lawyer” my 18 year old self would’ve streamlined his life to make himself get into school any means necessary. Those three words would change so much, here’s how I imagined it would’ve played out. I still would’ve attended UAPB, but with those three words from Future me in my head, my major would’ve reflected law instead of marketing. I would’ve focused on gaining internships and working in a firm during school, which would’ve saved me from the agony of being a broke college student lol.

Knowing my infatuation with New York, I would’ve applied to every New York school possible. Also, I would’ve attended school immediately after undergrad, no breaks. I would’ve probably treated law school the same way I did in this timeline but having more knowledge about school in the alternate timeline, I would’ve had a bar prep program from the beginning lol. ( I never used one to get licensed but definitely would’ve did it in this scenario).

After passing the bar, would’ve been in New York licensed earlier, solving financial woes way quicker and enjoying success at an earlier age. With all that said I’m glad it did not happen that way. God made sure things happened exactly as they should. The endless L’s I took gave me much character growth and it makes me a better person everyday. These questions are fun because it make you think of endless possibilities but that is also the problem. Don’t get caught up in the “what ifs” and “what could’ve beens”, we’re in the now and God blessed us with the gift to be present. Make today count and avoid future regret at all costs, I know I will! #StayFocused

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Fear God or Homelander?

November 27, 2023


Aww Man Get Her Out the Street Hughie!!!

So I just finished all three seasons of The Boys on Amazon Prime. I thought Invincible was crazy but no buddy this show is on a whole other time. When it started I knew something was about to go awry because the scene was too jolly but I still couldn’t see what was coming. Less than 10 mins they show a woman getting ran thru by a speedster (A Train). 

And in the moment he shows no remorse, just says he gotta keep going. 

I was like oh this show about to be one of them ones. Even that scene couldn’t prepare me for the series’ main antagonist, Homelander!

This dude is literally all of Batman’s fears about Superman personified by a 1000!

He knows how to make people maaaaad uncomfortbale.

The thing I enjoy most about his presence on the show is literally that, his presence. I don’t know Anthony Starr does it, (the actor for Homelander) but he oozes a sense of unpredictability. Every time he’s around you literally don’t if he’s going to kill everyone in the room or not. What makes it better is the supporting cast show the same pressure as well. No one is ever feeling 100% comfortable around him. He’s an abosolute menace. 

Seeing this show made me realize why God didn’t give us superpowers lol. The super-powered people in this show are so damn egotistical, with Homelander far exceeding everyone else. The only humanity he displays is while interacting with his son. That’s almost an oxymoron based off how his son was conceived ( watch the show beloved).

If Anthony Starr isn’t nominated for an Emmy this year it’s an absolute crime. We know superhero shows aren’t that respected in mainstream awards media but nobody is acting like Starr is. Every time he shows up your heart pounds thinking man is he going to just laser someone out of their existence. Then when he actually do it you’re like man I knew he was going to snap, boy is just next level egregious!!

I knew I had to write this article after finishing the season 3 finale when he killed a protestor and was met with praise. Even his son, who was molded and nurtured in a more clark Kent way showed some enjoyment seeing his dad destroy someone’s soul. You can see Pandora’s Box not only open, the hinges were ripped off with the hulk hands lol!

Be sure to checkout The Boys on Amazon Prime and when you do let’s take some compound V and get this ham Homelander outta here!!! Lol

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November 22, 2023

Social media has been a prevalent staple in our life for quite some time now. We’ve seen stars made (& broken), scandals, Good Samaritan stories, the entire life spectrum has been captured at some point in time.

`Moving away from chronological timelines (although still an option but you have to go out your way to access it), social media is ingrained with an algorithmic experience now. At first it was general data driven probabilities that determined your social media timeline. Today, it’s wildly specific. 

When I open up x? (Eww it’s still Twitter to me beloved), my for you page is literally all the stuff that “I” care about and I think I like it that way.


I love dragonball z, I see dragonball z. Some big spiderman news broke or something, I see every angle on the spiderman news that broke. I see exactly what I want to see. For me, social media was always an outlet to indulge in music, pop culture, & art. 

Look at all that DBZ bro lol

I don’t go on to talk about sex 34/7 (man I hate people that do that lol), I’m not trying to beef online, not trying to scam people. All I want to talk about is music and art for the most part. For years users preached “if you don’t like it don’t unfollow it” and make social media the way you see fit. Now you see it exactly how you want to see it… and that could actually be a problem.

Sometimes the algorithm is too cut and dry. Yes I liked a picture of a bird flying, I don’t wanna see birds flying every two posts bro. This new algorithm don’t understand “balance”. On the explore page of one of my IG accounts it’s literally nothing but Dragonball Z. Like yes I love DBZ bro probably top five things I love most but my guy please give me some variety!!!!

Everyday I see Goku, like ok bro I get it lol. The algorithm has to learn to give more variations. Like yes I like this specific anime, use that to introduce me to new stuff similar not just an echo chamber of my likes. An echo chamber is dangerous because you can begin to think your world is THEE world. Always remember the world do not revolve around you!

So we probably shouldn’t have an echo chamber that quadruples down on our biases and world views. I rock with the for you page a little bit, but we need to have a balance, because you never know what’s “for you” until you find out what’s “for you”. Don’t let that go over your head loved one. Stay focused.

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I was thinking real quick on why people have such a difficult time with accountability. Specifically, people within my community/social sphere. I believe it stems from most people starting off in circumstances beyond their control. First, actually being born is a whole outside event in itself. You didn’t ask to be here, you had no idea you was coming (God Did lol) but you just showed up and until adolescence (young adulthood) your life is in someone else’s hands.

During this time. a period we’ll refer to as “Deferred Responsibility”; you’re being guided by someone’s morals, life experience, and financial stability, all which effects your overall childhood and has a huge impact on who you are to become.

Back in church we were taught about the age of accountability, while a verse may not explicitly states how old you are when you are considered “accountable”, we were generally taught at 12 years old you have reached the age of accountability. Which means you should know right from wrong and you have enough foundation to make solid decisions and if you make an unwise decision you should be able to own up to your decisions and face the music.

If we know there’s a certain threshold where accountability is “activated”, then why do many adults have difficulty being accountable? Its because trauma + a no responsibility period + a dramatic responsibility increase = adults who have difficulty being accountable. Its hard to own up to things when everything was so out of your control and now life is forcing you to be in control.

Some people are faced with raising children, building careers, overcoming heartache, health conditions, its always something to face. However, it gets to a certain point in life where you have to ask “When am I going to take responsibility for my life”, “when will I admit whatever is going on at this point is my fault”.

Me for example, I have so much I can hold onto and be a loser about. Nobody ever got me driver’s training, I grew up financially unstable, I never been to disneyworld as a kid lol. I got plenty stuff I can hold onto, be sad about, and allow it to stagnate me in life.

But screw that one day I sat down and said “Bro whatever I have in my life its my fault, and if I don’t have it now I’m going to work to get it!”. From that moment I went on a winning streak lmao. Still took L’s but man I refused to live handcuffed by childhood trauma because if you never get over it, it snowballs into adulthood and you’re chained to the past.Take control now if you haven’t and make that determination today, “Life is in my hands and I’m going to achieve with everything I desire!”! How can you move forward if you’re always looking behind? Think about it beloved..

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August 21, 2023


In these survival days, hustling is all that really matters, and people hustles varies from person to person. No matter what hustle it is, don’t get greedy and start being super tax man, this is mostly in reference when dealing with celebrities.

Meek schools sneaker reseller

You may have saw the video where Meek Mill is attempting to purchase the Nike SB x Air Jordan IVs (man those are some beauties) and the guy on the video wants to charge Meek the tax price. Meek urges that he can get the sneakers at retail from the store, so why would he pay him the tax price plus if he would’ve showed love, Meek would’ve been incentivized to shop even more with the young bull.

Prices via GOAT

First, Meek is capping, you can’t get those sneakers at retail, maybe a lower price than what buddy was selling them for but they will be above retail, too much hype around them. These days everything work off hype. If you don’t get them at release you ain’t getting them without paying the resale ticket, unless the shoe sat on the shelf, you might get an under retail price.

Secondly, his point still stands and he’s absolutely correct in theory. Taking off shoe guy and putting it on general hustlers for a minute. When you are selling a product and its fire and consistent, eventually you will catch the eye of a celebrity, maybe multiple.


I can attest to this personally multiple times, I’ll just use one example for now. Some years ago I drew a pic of YG and Kamaiyah. YG dm’d me about purchasing it you know of course I was excited. This was in early corner days too, so I first started getting celebrity attention/recognition. Before I could respond you know I told some of my people.

You know what they said instantly after I told them the news. “You need to charge him a band”, “Oh yeah he gotta at least drop 4Hunnid on the pic”, and other nonsense.

No disrespect to the people that told me this but this is why people can’t scale up because they wanna do stupid stuff like that and tax for no reason.


Just because someone’s a celebrity do not mean you charge unwarranted high prices, it instantly throws smut on your name and can close doors that you ain’t even noticed that was opened. Let me explain why I didn’t tax YG in the first place.

1) the picture was only 8” x 10”, 2) that is a small picture , and 3) it was a sketch without much detail. It was colored and great in my style but my pricing is always on what I would pay for it. Also, the bigger the size the more it is reasonable to charge high prices.

I wouldn’t pay over a few hundred for a small picture unless it was by an artist whose work was unattainable, if it was to personally support an artist I know, or if it is extremely detailed but the canvas chosen is just small.

This particular picture did not fit my laid in criteria, if any normal person wanted that same picture I wouldn’t have charged them more than $50 at that time. Now he never followed through on the purchase but imagined if I would’ve came at him saying give me a rack for this. If he’s smart with his money, he would’ve instantly been off put and possibly stopped any other doors that could’ve been opened.

When it comes to celebrities you have to think more than the money, they carry an audience. Why do you think they get so many free items in the first place? They are walking billboards plus they can actually employ if you’re actually dope enough.

That YG interaction I had could’ve went a thousand ways, now it didn’t go anywhere but I definitely wouldn’t had helped if I came out the gate thinking “get as much money as I can out of him.” That’s short sighted, fast-money, flip everything thinking. You may get a payday but you lose out on the long term. I couldn’t play myself like that in life I think in long term for everything!! Its how I maintained the patience and faith to become a lawyer and run this website because there are extreme peaks and valleys!

So if you got a hustle going on learn from that vid with Meek and this article. Think about the bigger opportunity, think about what is attached to a person with clout, how doors can be opened if you treat this rare interaction the way its supposed to go. Don’t lose out your blessings beloved, Get money..

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August 10, 2023


Stream this I guess beloved

Khaled just announced a new single for his yet to be titled LP, titled “Supposed to Be Loved”. I like DJ Khaled and respect his legacy as a DJ and an artist. Each release is actually something I looked forward to. When the single was announced I looked at the lineup and lord behold it was the usual suspects; Lil Baby, Future, and Lil Uzi Vert. My honest initial reaction was just a big sigh.

This Khaled single was the straw that broke the camel back, I’m tired of seeing the same people work together man. I understand people are playing the game at a higher level at this point and Khaled releases are basically music blockbusters but can the art take a little more priority? I feel like Khaled can get more interesting albums if he tap into his actual skill of A&Ring and put together unexpected combinations that would sound fire.

Besides the commercial aspect, I understand he may be sticking with the same people because the relationships developed over the years makes getting verses/hooks extremely easier. Everybody know how its like pulling teeth getting verses back sometimes.

As I stated Khaled was the straw that broke the back but this annoyance really started with my guy Metro.


Me telling Metro he was my fav producer in 2014.

Now I love Metro, I told him he was the best producer in the game back in 2014! Real deal supporter. I also think his new album is incredible but the only downside was it was the same people on every song. I think Metro talent and star power is strong enough to collaborate with anyone in the world, I mean anyone! Now I understand each of his album were following specific themes and everyone was probably hand picked to fill a certain role but I done heard Metro with these people a billion times!

Fire album but its the usual suspects.

I like when he collabed with James Blake and even the Coi Leray linkup on the Spiderverse soundtrack. I want Metro to get deep into his producer bag and introduce us to some new voices or get with some active people we never seen him work with. But the Travis Scott, 21 vibes I think we done had enough for a min. I’m not including Future because him and Metro is an unbeatable combo and we are actually overdue for a new project from them + the superhero song was wayy too good, we need more of that ASAP!

All in all its like there is a boys club of 21, travis, future, thug, migos, drizzy, uzi,swae,nav,don, and weeknd. I want to see and hear some great suprises. I wanna see random stuff like DVSN and metro or like Monica on a Khaled song, or Wu tang on some Metro beats. You know just something unexpected. If Metro can get Morgan Freeman he can definitely expand his reach and if Khaled can consistently get HOV verses it ain’t no problem for him to get people either. Its time to dial back the priority of blockbuster music and increase the priority of great/groundbreaking collaborations!

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Rumor has it that Pharrell is set to become the new Menswear Designer of Louis Vuitton, following a successful run by the late Virgil Abloh.

Louis Vuitton by KidSuper

Recently, KidSuper, the unorthodox Brooklyn creative, guest designed for Louis Vuitton during Paris Fashion Week this year.

I personally enjoyed his designs very much and thought he would be a perfect candidate to take over the mantel.

Others in strong consideration included, Grace Wales Bonner and Martine Rose.

Martine Rose, was amongst the crowd favorite to take over at Louis Vuitton.

Martine Rose

Martine Rose, founder of her namesake label, which was established in 2007. Her menswear label found its footing in the late 2010s and have since collaborated with brands, such as Nike and Tommy Jeans.

As a designer by trade, Martine Rose, held the education credentials and the popularity, that would make her a front runner to take over as the menswear designer for Louis Vuitton.

So why Pharrell over everyone.


Pharrell, legendary producer and musician, has strong footprints in fashion. He his undoubtedly an influencer, even his sole existence helped Tyler The Creator find his footing, and he actually demonstrated success in fashion with Billionaire Boys Club/IceCream - co-founded with Japanese mogul NIGO®,  CHANELPHARRELL - limited partnership w/ Chanel during Karl Lagerfeld’s run, and his ongoing Adidas Human Race partnership to say the least.

But we have to address the elephant in the room..

Louis Vuitton by Marc Jacobs x Pharrell x NIGO

Why Pharrell over “actual” designers? Is he actually ready to head a fashion house on his own? Will he rely too much on assistance from NIGO?

These are the questions that makes people doubt P’s capability to produce high quality collections, season after season.

Pharrell is no stranger to working with Louis Vuitton as he worked with the brand previously when Marc Jacobs held the reigns at the brand.

However it seems Louis Vuitton may be relying too heavy on star power and polarization than actual designing.

As much as we love Pharrell, I don’t think anyone actually saw this coming. I for one thought KidSuper had it in a bag. His designs felt like a direct sequel to the Virgil regime, keeping the similar aesthetics while still incorporating his distinct design features.

But if I learned anything, it’s don’t knock someone before they even get the chance to showcase their capabilities. 

Where Pharrell lacks technically, I’m sure his passion and resourcefulness will overcome his weaknesses and allow him to produce collections true to him and profitable for the brand.

He would have to produce extremely horrible collections for this to be a failure because the power of LV’s heritage + P’s personal brand, whatever is made will be purchased regardless but whatever is made will be purchased regardless.

However, him and Louis Vuitton has to be ready for the automatic backlash/pre-conceived criticism that is sure to come to this partnership.


As much as we revere Virgil, his run at LV wasn’t met with rainbows and sunshine all the time either, the internet surely gave their (uncalled for) opinions and called him out multiple times,

Photo courtesy of TipSolver

Including when people were upset that the LV sneakers were nothing but AVIA sneakers with LV branding.

So, if this rumor holds true P definitely has an uphill battle against him but as one of our heroes in the culture,

We should root for his success no matter what and give him a chance first before launching the rocks of criticism at his face.


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January 8, 2023

Ahhh its a new year, can you believe it 2023? As I was working on promoting the site, (yeah the one you’re on right now lol), I was thinking about how one of my greatest assets in running this site is time itself.

The reason why time itself can be a valuable asset is because resources that could assist literally take time to be created and available to you.

With the update that came with Squarespace, they easily make quality marketable videos that catches potential consumers in a blink of an eye. Normally we would have to work several programs for creating promotional videos, some that wouldn’t even be more than a minute.

Very Clutch Marketing, head to the merchandise tab to purchase some gear

However, Squarespace now have a whole studio tool where you literally pick a product from your inventory and they make endless combinations of images, videos, and .gifs!

Imagine if I would’ve been sulking years ago when this didn’t exist. Imagine if I would’ve complained about how I didn’t have the money or knowledge to get proper promotion for my site, I would’ve gave up losing on potentially millions of dollars, Worse than losing the money, I would’ve lost my pride and became an infinite loser, probably spending my days hating on another entrepreneur who didn’t quit.

This stretches beyond my site, it was very useful in my music itself. Without technological advances through time, I would’ve never created the music that I wanted to make.

Garageband been around for a while, but it took time for them to come up with these legendary soundpacks! I definitely put them to use!

Access to new loops, my cell phone, and different recording software allowed me to take my music in my hands and not rely on another soul to get my stuff poppin.

Now I’m actually doing performances and made money from my music but if I didn’t allow the divine actions of time to work itself, I would’ve quit and would’ve hated and blamed people because I didn’t take my career in my own hands.

So the reason that you may not be where you wanna be isn’t because of your ability to work, skill, or any other merit based factor. It may simply because what you need doesn’t exist yet! So keep going, learn the lessons you’re supposed to learn, and in due time, time will be on your side!

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Follow on twitter.com/onlyonejaevonn 



December 25, 2022

First of all Merry. Christmas you filthy animals! Today requires some gratitude and reflection. I’ve always been appreciative of Christmas, its a time to celebrate the Birth of Christ, conjugate with family, and an overall celebration of holiday cheer. However, there’s an underrated experience to Christmas, that’s the Christmas Miracle.

The Christmas miracle occurs when the thing you need or want to exactly happen, actually happens, and it’s in the most miraculous way possible. Today is actually the five year anniversary of what I regard as a special Christmas miracle, my first sale!

If you’re on this site, then you know gettothecorner.com serves as the hub for my premiere streetwear brand, WELÇOME©: HAND DRAWN GRAPHICS, will features original ideas as well as my artistic spin on things in popular culture that influenced me.

I.BACK IN 2017…

Well back in 2017, I actually haven’t made a sale yet. I got plenty of compliments and possible buyers but nothing really came from it. On the flip side of potential customers, I had naysayers, critics, and ridiculers. Back when I first started, one of my biggest criticisms was that I charged too much. I came out the gate charging $150 for hoodies,$80 for t-shirts, etc. My whole logic was that I would charge for quality of designs, what I would actually pay, and effort put into the work. The funny thing is people who criticized me were the ones who would easily spend on luxury items from other brands, I guess I wasn’t worth it huh? lol

Anyways, I was chillin’ at my grandmothers crib and it was a regular day. I was on the phone talking to my mans when I received.a PAYPAL notification for…$89.00! I couldn’t believe it! What made this sale even better is day in day out, I would repeatedly say a prayer, “Lord allow me to receive sales via Paypal.” I requested that because I would get the payment immediately because I haven’t built up the customer cache to receive my funds immediately when people paid via credit/debit card.


When that payment it vindicated me in such a way like I haven’t been before. I got someone to. pay me nearly a $100 for a drawing I made in my Grandma’s living room then pressed up on a hoodie. It proved me right, I knew I didn’t have to sacrifice my idea of my brand just to get a sale. I didn’t have to make a $30 hoodie just because I was “unknown”. Fast forward, 2022 has been my biggest year yet! I am so grateful for Christ allowing my site to be profitable and for sending the right people from various backgrounds to make my site operate. Thank you all and remember your Christmas miracle awaits you just be open to receive and commit your desires to God!

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The Welçome Brand, the first product to sale on gettohecorner.com


What I Like Seeing the Most

October 15, 2022

When it comes to female rap there is one name that is shaking hip hop to its core, coming straight outta Memphis, its Gloria Hallelujah Woods, b.k.a., Glorilla! Glorilla took 2022 by storm with her Hit Kidd produced smash, “F.N.F. (Let’s Go)”. The infectious track had every one chanting “F R E E..” and “Let’s Gooooooooo”.

Big Glo caught viral attention, mainly in part due to her music video, which features her and friends, which people described them as “regular” and “ordinary” women. Meaning none of them look surgically enhanced like how many of our instagram feeds look today.

As her song was going viral, Glorilla and her associates faced many criticisms, mainly critiques concerning their looks. However, that only made Glo’s ascension that much more satisfying.

This is what I love seeing the most, the glow up! Specifically w/ Glorilla’s metoric rise. I loved seeing her get new teeth after being ridiculed, I loved seeing her receive star glam treatment, and I love seeing her performances rise. I remember when my boy was telling me how Glorilla had a show in the natti during that time, she only had F.N.F., so I didn’t expect much of the performance. I knew she was collecting them beginnning of fame club bags.

The Boy and Big Glo!

Then as time went on, she start proving herself , song after song. She made me a believer when she dropped that “Tomorrow” record and I’m talking before Cardi B hopped on it. When she started her verse with, “Looking good as hell today, just sent my n**** five attachments,” I said Oh yeah she hard foreal! Then I heard all the stuff she did with GlossUp, HitKidd, Slimeroni, Aleza, and K Carbon (its carbonnnnnn lmao). I knew I was listening to a bonafide star.

I love watching each step and being able to tell when the money hit (lol) and when she stepped into stardom completely. Seeing her Rolling Loud and BETHIPHOP awards performances let me know that she’s here to stay and with the recent release of her first EP, Glorilla may have been handpicked by God himself to takeover the reigns of female rap. I look forward to seeing her grow.

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Age and Music

October 12, 2022

Two careers that a young black boy will always take an interest in are, Rapping and Athletics. Most people have done both feats and most haven’t made any professional stride in either category. Most of them starts young as well. I never wanted to be a professional athlete but please believe I love rapping with all my heart. I’ve been rapping since maybe 2000. I really started consistently writing raps in the 7th grade but I wrote my first rap way earlier, it was a rap about shoelaces lol. During that same week I wrote my first song called “Oreo Klondike Bar” lmao. I wrote it in the vein of RUNDMC’s My Adidas lol. If you know me my first song being about Oreos makes perfect sense lmao.

Fast forward as I get older with music around 18/19 I started locking in with my younger cousin Khalil, who was around 12/13 at the time. So basically I became his mentor and started getting his rapping chops right. When he started writing it was a struggle because he was so young so he didn’t have much experience in life, I was only a few years older, but those few years makes a difference.

Me and Khalil first and final tape together released in 2011, due to tragic events we could not complete the second one even though we worked on it. #LongLiveKhalil

When we would be writing together I told him “Cuz just focus on yo flow because nobody grown wanna hear you because you too young to talk about something relatable.” That’s when he would start going and start focusing on playing with how he said things rather than what he said. I can remember coaching him on saying the same part fifty different times lmao. Man those were great times, as time started to progress, he started digging deeper, and was starting to fight the reverse ageism against his lyrical content.

With the combination of him studying music on his own and me co-writing his verses, he started to understand himself as an artist. It got to a point where he would send me hooks and songs that I didn’t write his verse or anything, and I would be impressed like Damn cuz you wrote this?

For anyone who starts music young this is basically all our story not just Khalil’s. When you’re young making music, you’re either capping way too much or talking about some absolute bs. The younger you are you should just focused on sounding good, learning how to write, and studying music. Then when you’re older you’ll gain actual experience which you could translate into songs.

Its amazing as an artist to reach a point where you can take a situation or event in your life and write a song about that one specific thing and not get off topic, while rhyming and actual sounding dope. That’s why I’m so excited to see younger people get that spark to want to do music, but I hate the people that get into to waste time and not take it serious.

I don’t wanna hear no 14 year old talking about smoking opps, racks going crazy, and a whole bunch of dumb stuff we know you not doing, If your idiotic self is actually doing it then we got bigger problems then music because you’re heading down the path of destruction. Its getting real Dennis the Menace in this bih lmao ( but a 100 times worse).

Remember Bow Wow started young but no grown man wanted to hear him as a little boy. He was for little girls, as he aged he still had a female target audience, but his content grew and matured, proving my age and music point.

If you’re a young a preteen/teen don’t ever get discouraged from pursuing your genuine interest in rapping. Yes we have enough rappers and most are extremely trash and posisbly destructive to our community but I believe in people following their passion. Who cares if its a thousand rappers, its only one you! Invest in yourself, let time be your teacher, and grow, grow, grow!

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August 31, 2022

On this day, I was watching Latto’s video for her single, “It’s Givin”. It’s a standout track on her sophomore album, 777, and its produced by FNZ, JetsonMade, and Pooh Beatz. While I was watching the video, I saw several cameos from the likes of Angela Simmons, Chloe x Halle, Ella Mai, Flo Milli and more. That’s when I thought man its something about a good cameo that just make a video/film/track, etc hit harder. I believe its because of several things..


Cameo is defined as a small character part in a play or movie, played by a distinguished actor or a celebrity. Meaning that this is someone who doesn’t have to be apart of whatever their making a cameo in. Their role is minor and its probably free of charge, so its something about this project that is so respectable by the person making the cameo, that it makes the cameo worthwhile. I believe the audience can pick up on that and something goes off in their head like wow this person must believe in this things they’re in otherwise why are you here?


The main example of this are probably the Stan Lee cameos. Other than the fact he probably had a literal contract clause that required him to make a cameo in most Marvel movies, I’m sure most people would not be opposed to seeing a founding pillar of Marvel make an appearance for a few seconds. Stan Lee cameos were the living embodiment multiple years filled with sacrifice, failure, and triumph. You saw the movie’s vision as Stan Lee made his standard pop in. You think about the external things that I mentioned previously before you dive back into the deep comic world built by him and others.

A well placed cameo can take a simple video to moment in time. If you can create a moment and possibly create a timestamp in history then your piece of performative art accomplished everything it could be and more!

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August 31, 2022

I was looking at the beautiful BAPE x MARVEL bapesta collabs and when I saw the Hulk sneaker, for some reason I thought about that atrocious HULK game that was released when the 2003 HULK movie dropped.

I started to think about why did every movie game totally sucked? I remember everytime a blockbuster was set to release, Lord behold a video game counterpart was release alongside it. One of the times I was scarred by the movie game was The Grinch. It was released on the Sega Dreamcast and served as a companion to Jim Carrey’s Grinch film (which was actually good). What hurted the most about The Grinch game is I didn’t even want the damn game! Here’s how I ended up getting it anyway.

This Game Sucked!!!

One day we was in Blockbuster and my mother was taking me and my brother to get video games for our Sega Dreamcast My favorite type of game has always been fighting games, so when I saw Street Fighter I was ecstatic! But my mother said, “Vonnie you always get those type of games, why don’t you try something different”, it was the worst advice she ever gave me lmao. I tried something different and what I got was an utter piece of s***. No effort was put into it at all, an obvious cash grab.

Unforturnately this wasn’t a one off, it had to be a reason the movie game stop being an essential extension of the blockbuster movie. I was on wikipedia the other day looking at MCU info and noticed the only video games made for the MCU was for the first two phases. None of the games were received well and they all suffered from clunky gameplay, average graphics, and a repetitiveness mechanic that would fry your brain if you let it lol.


I’m glad someone got the memo and finally stopped making these horrendous games. However, I do wonder what was the breaking point? Excessive critical panning or low sales? It had to be commercial because we know if it makes money another one is getting made.

Do you remember any good movie games? Let me know in the comments or something!

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January 31, 2022

Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Funsplash.com%2Fs%2Fphotos%2Fwater-and-fire&psig=AOvVaw1dg90uh1l7wyqxFNSQlGMZ&ust=1647306857986000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKiF0LW2xPYCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

One day I was running water over the sink to put out some sage that was burning too vicious lol, (yeah burning sage to destroy them bad vibes beloved you know what it is), as I was running water I thought “Why does water put out fire?!” I don’t know the scientific answer to this but I felt like a deeper meaning was given to me in my head that day. Or maybe it wasn’t that deep and I’m boosting but who cares beloved. I thought about a certain point regarding this subject.


Before I start, I recognize water can be. hot, that does defuse the following point just stay along for the ride, ok?! When I saw the water hit the sage it was somehow amazing for me just to see a fire that was burning so fiercely be decimated by water. It made me think this is what happens when we decide to let our cool thoughts take over our raging hot emotions.

When we are calm and cool we can make extremely better decisions. Whenever I had a burning rage it always led down the wrong path. Rage has gotten me into physicals fights, verbal onslaughts, and accidental injury to myself. You’re so consumed with the fire of your emotions you’re going every direction almost like a… flame. There isn’t a linear direction fire can go unless its projected thru a flamethrower or something similar so it can just go anywhere. Its akin to rage, I remember times being so mad I couldn’t stay still I had to do something: scream, punch a wall, punch a face, anything that would transmute my anger to a physical expression.

But when I decide to cool it I avoided a lot of tragic endings. Even the Bible says “Remember this, my dear brothers: Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”

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Yesterday, I finally saw the year’s most anticipated film, Spider-Man: No Way Home.  After foolishly browsing the internet while the swarms of spoilers were released into the atmosphere, I actively avoided spoilers and got the experience I longed for.

Man It turned out to be worth every ounce of excitement I put into this damn movie. I purposely saw it in a big theatre, wore some WLCM, and brought in my favorite snack to enjoy this cinematic masterpiece.

But how about we start this from the beginning?

So when No Way Home news first started we knew Doctor Strange would be involved and would kind of play a Tony Stark-esque role to Peter. Which Peter desperately needed another mentor figure in his life after the death of Mr.Stark. (Damn R.I.P. Tony we miss you my boy).

Anyways that’s all we had until that trailer dropped. Oh my lord that first trailer dropped and I lost my muffin top beloved. Besides the usual spider action, we saw classic Spiderman villains, Doc-Ock and at the end we saw one of the Green Goblin’s bombs!

Holy smokes! That trailer impacted me so much I had to make a song about No Way Home. I even drew myself in a spider suit for the single cover. At this point I’m all in Spiderman. 

So the anticipation builds and builds. I start hearing talks that Tobey McGuire and Andrew Garfield may make an appearance in the film. However both parties denied their appearances and I was left with nothing but speculation.

Anyways another trailer drops and now I realized the Jamie Foxx’s character will be returning which give me more hope for Multiverse Madness!!(no pun intended). 

Finally, its release week! This movie is going so damn crazy people tried to sale opening day tickets for 10K beloved, 10K! If I ever spend 10K on movie tickets please slap me with the biggest Thor Hammer you can find in the multiverse. 

Head to the merchandise tab for more.

Knowing this is the biggest premiere of the year my main mission was to avoid the damn spoilers at any costs! I couldn’t stop using the internet for business purposes so I just tried to avoid certain pages, although I probably could’ve muted certain words but I didn’t feel doing that.

Me and my girlfriend seeing the movie!

So I made it my mind, I’m seeing No Way Home opening week. I wanted my haircut, I wanted to wear a WLCM hoodie that featured the webslinger, and I wanted to watch it in a packed theatre for reactions to special scenes.

Lord and behold I got exactly what I wanted. My barber hooked me up to the heavens, my WLCM hoodie was nicely pressed, and the theatre reacted gloriously! *SPOILER WARNING!!!* 

Especially when Andrew and Tobey was revealed, I literally screamed “Oh Shiiiiiiiiiitttt”. Man it was so hype beloved. I left the theatre so satisfied. I wanted to make a whole soundtrack but I didn’t have the time. I’ll still probably make one more song inspired by the film though. 

But there it is loved one, my journey to No Way Home was like a kid’s. Nothing but excitement that didn’t even leave me disappointed. Zendaya’s character said “Expect disappointment not to be disappointed.”However, expected the exact opposite and got exactly what I wanted!

Visit gettothecorner.com

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn 



Full Caption Available on Kim’s instagram

Recently I just saw a post that Kim Kardashian passed the baby bar exam in California. She explained how her process is different than the traditional route which would normally include 3 years of law school after first obtaining a bachelor’s degree. 

Since Kim is a megastar with no college experience becoming a lawyer did not align with her current status.

Thankfully she wishes to practice in a state that allows an alternative route, which she explains how she has to take the “baby bar exam”, topics that typically involve first year law school subjects, then she has to take full blown California Bar Exam.

Which for those who don’t know the exam is known for its extreme difficulty. I mean make you want to pull your hair out type of hard!

Which makes Kim’s journey even more inspiring. We need people like Kim to become a lawyer. We need people like ME to become a lawyer. Why? Because me and Kim aren’t your typical law students.

Kim father may have been the famous Robert Kardashian but initially that did not predetermine her to be a lawyer.

Kim started out running with Paris Hilton, having the infamous tape, posing for KING magazine to becoming a billionaire icon. 

When the average person think of lawyer you may think of a bland person with no swagger, they just go to court all day and defend criminals. Everyone assumes you’re a criminal lawyer when they find out you have a career in law.

You think “they” want this guy to become a lawyer? Hell no! lmao!

But I’m going to show the world I'‘ll be a top lawyer like no other, changing my community ,and inspiring billions!!!

Anyways, they don’t think of a person like me becoming a lawyer. They don’t think of a black man from E.7Mile Detroit who also draw, rap, write books,blogs/vlogs, basically everything artistic under the sun to do something as cut and dry as law. 

But the law is complex and has many sides to its profession the same way a human being is typically not one dimensional.

Kim isn’t going to Harvard, becoming law review president, and landing summer associate positions.

No she is forging her own path through an organic passion for freeing the wrongly incarcerated. 

Photo courtesy of Entertainment Online.

Over the past few years she has lobbied for the freedom of several people, including Alice Marie Johnson who was granted clemency by President Trump. When Kim passes the California Bar Exam and become a licensed attorney I know it will inspire possibly millions of young ladies to become lawyers. Yes simply for the fact that Kim did it. Some people went to law school just because they saw legally blonde, influence is really that simple. See it Believe it.

When Kim becomes a licensed attorney she once again proves that the criticism and insults she had thrown her way do not define her in any shape or form. In fact, they refine her probably giving her more fuel and ammunition to prove to herself, the world, and even her father that the path she chose may not have been the one for everybody but it was definitely the right one for her!

Good Luck Kim.

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