How many times have someone told you I have an idea? Probably more times you would like to hear. How many times have you seen people execute on those ideas? Its probably a shameful low amount .

Being in my Intellectual Property class made me realize how little value an idea has. We learned in class ideas by itself are not patentable.


If the law is basically requiring execution, how can people think they could get away without executing.

Execution is the only thing that matters at the end of the day. My plan of attack can be flawless with no errors in sight but if I never start how valuable is that?

With all my ideas I started them before they were perfected. I started WELÇOME© with no inventory. When people normally start clothing lines, they foolishly purchase mass inventory (which takes too much time & money) then it doesn’t sell and now they are sitting on garbage.

Just produce a shirt and see if people like it. Just put it out!

People want their music to be perfect. “Bro I need a studio and like the perfect producer and like my video gotta be shot by Mr.Hot Shit” blah blah  bro who cares!

Remember you’re at ZERO no one’s checking for you that hard, get in your bag and just drop music. People become fans from consistency, which builds an emotional connection, which allows people to stick with you as your quality inevitably grows.


Before I got a microphone or learned how to mix (I’m still learning, idk what the hell I’m doing), I recorded music on my phone or the laptop mic.

People personally tell me how they listen to my songs and I can see the data that shows the same person with a song on repeat. None of those songs was made in a A-1 studio. They were made in Apartments, Basements, & even Cars!

I didn’t let perfection stop me, I didn’t go man I got this idea for this tape and never executed!

Get out there and just do it, because the law doesn’t value your idea and people don’t either, only execution matters.

Follow me on twitter @onlyonejaevonn
