Streaming now on TIDAL 👉🏾 https://tidal.com/album/76843279

Streaming now on TIDAL 👉🏾 https://tidal.com/album/76843279

Another day another lesson from JAY:Z it seems, huh? Yes indeed! This weekend I had plans on buying the physical copy of 4:44 because I wanted to hear the bonus tracks. To my surprise I see a notification that tells me the bonus tracks are now available for streaming on TIDAL. I then realized for most things you want you don't ever have to go out of your way, all you have to do is wait.


The waiting game is a difficult one to play living in an era where everything comes at a rapid pace. However jumping the gun can lead to unwanted money spent and unfavorable outcomes all of which could be avoided with just a little patience.


Just like how the bonus became available those who wanted the album but not TIDAL also won by waiting just a little longer and they were able to get 4:44 on their preferred streaming service without dishing out that extra 12.99/24.99 for TIDAL.


The key on waiting on what you want is reminding yourself that's it's only a want and not a need, which means you can go without it and when it finally comes you'll be glad you waited.

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KEEP IT COMING: The Key to Making Content Last Longer

KEEP IT COMING: The Key to Making Content Last Longer

watch on TIDAL 👉🏾 https://tidal.com/video/76110163

watch on TIDAL 👉🏾 https://tidal.com/video/76110163

It's been almost two weeks since JAY:Z released his 13th studio album, 4:44. Still after it's initial release HOV continues to release videos one week after another that continues to explain the album in the form of video footnotes and music visuals. As I was watching the video, I realized what Jay was doing was like DLC (downloadable content).



DLC is a tactic mainly used by the video game industry to strengthen the shelf life of a game. Instead of putting all the story modes or characters in at the initial release , these companies instead offers new content for separate purchases several weeks after the game has been released. Often the release of the DLC would come just about when a user is finished with the game and the DLC would allow the gamer to play even further.


The lesson to be taken from here is that the consumer can become a reoccurring purchaser or engager when content is strategically stretched upon a period of time. This also gives the product layers and forces the user to spend more time with the content to understand and digest each level of depth that may lie within the product. An adjustment may not necessarily mean pumping out new content every two seconds the adjustment may simply be making the content last longer than usual.

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