
 With the recent scare of COVID-19 (infamously known as the “corona virus” ) running rampant, we’re being shown a side we always knew about humanity.

We always known people take things for granted and go crazy when they realize it shouldn’t be taken for granted anymore.

People homes should’ve been filled with basic necessities.

Hands should’ve been washed, an emergency food fund should always be at the forefront of the mind, basic preparedness was always needed.


But now people’s fear have drove them to shop like crazy, frantically getting whatever items are left.

Just like earlier this year with Kobe’s tragic passing.

Only the few that recognized the greatness in Kobe apparel was already hipped to the classics Nike & Adidas produces.

But what happened when he died?

You guessed it..prices surged thru the roof!!

Shoes that were once $120 going for $1500,

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Kobe gear was always readily available, people always knew he was a Goat, why was the appreciation taken for granted.

It’s an age old question that get tiresome to answer but always need to be addressed.

Obviously we should appreciate things more before they become scare and that starts by living with gratitude.

When we’re grateful to live life and see greatness we appreciate them different.


I’m grateful to witness a run like Lebron’s so I purchase his sneakers and make items inspired by him that shows my gratitude.

I’m appreciative of God placing me in this flesh so I try to honor it by treating it like a temple.

Keeping it clean, eating a certain, and protecting my mind at all costs.

If we learn to move different, when things get dire we won’t turn into scoundrel we can move on with proper adjustment because we’ve prepared and didn’t take this life for granted.

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Yesterday I made a critical step toward one of my goals and man did it feel good.

After a year of investments: Physical, Emotional, & Spiritual , those investments finally paid off.

Part of my goal was reached despite the naysayers and even against some internal conflict that arose within myself.

I’m glad that it took a while (even though, it felt like an eternity) to take such a victory.





  Delayed gratification is spoken about a lot in today’s social climate although it is hardly implemented.


   If each goal was attained as soon as it was pursued it would be like playing 2K on rookie mode. How fun is it knowing that victory is guaranteed 99% of the time.


    The payoff of having hours upon hours come together in one moment is worth extremely more than an instant flash of victory.



  It’s like seeing Naruto get to use rasengan after numerous episodes of him struggling and within those episodes being told that he couldn’t even achieve the technique that he practiced day in and out.


 Much like how Naruto steps to the rasengan start as minuscule and insignificant so does our process to success.


 Naruto had to try to burst a water balloon and rubber ball before being able to create a great ball of wind. That water balloon and rubber ball doesn’t compare to the power of pure wind in your hands, so why is it needed?


 The foundation of anything you hope to attain is the most important part of your success. Without a solid foundation whatever you build is bound to sink, be destroyed , or worse not even created in the first place.


 So as you progress through life’s journey remember all the toiling and sweating is not worthless and in vain it is just the bridge that connects an idea to physical success.


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This week I've watched documentaries on two of the greatest players to ever touch a basketball, Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan.

These two as we all know possessed many qualities that made them as great as they were but what isn't discussed is the obstacles that were self-induced and if it weren't overcame we may have never got the Kobe and MJ that we see today.




Michael Jordan once stated that He's "More Image Conscious then I would like to admit". It was even rumors that if you didn't act in a way that complied with Michael's public image he would heavily chastise you for it. Kobe not only took a lot of his game from Michael but he also took the way Michael carried himself with the media. They both went out of their way to appear as role models and upstanding citizens without any blemishes. However both were exposed that despite they're charisma and charm they were still human beings that made mistakes. For Michael it was his extreme gambling habit that even lead to a league investigation and some people are audacious enough to blame MJ's habit to be the cause of his father's death. As for Kobe, his act of adultery lead to rape allegations and jeopardized his entire career & life.



Jordan trusts John Paxson with big time shot

Jordan trusts John Paxson with big time shot

As we all know no players that played with Kobe or Michael can say they outworked them. Only thing on their mind was to be better than they were yesterday and that was only achieved through practice,practice, & more practice. However as they would soon find out solo play could only get them so far. Michael used to take on 2,3,4 defenders at a time instead of passing it to a teammate. Kobe was so much about his personal performance his own teammates wouldn't even cheer for him after he made a spectacular move. Both came to the realization without the trust in their teammates the furthest they can go is just being known as a "great player" but they both wanted more, they wanted to be "CHAMPIONS".


Often times we do not realize that we can be our own barrier to the success we want. Certain things in life is just meant to be achieved with the help of others. Also our lives aren't meant to be lived perfect it's meant to understand that we're not perfect and that's okay. If these two never realized these self-induced burdens the legacy of these GOATs would be greatly tarnished. It's time to do a self check and see what's holding you back and once you find out nothing can stop you from becoming a GOAT!


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